Sunday, October 29, 2006

Return of the Science

I figure that, at this point, the 2 or 3 people who actually read my blog have abandoned it completely due to a lack of activity. And, who could blame them? But, I am trying to get back on the blogging wagon after my recent hiatus. Tell your friends! I've been tinkering with Myspace lately, and I've been debating over whether to move my blog there or keep it here on Blogger. For now, I guess I'll keep it here. Comments or suggestions?

The last couple of months have been really hectic. Rachel and I have been a part of a team of volunteers at church that have been working to organize and promote the different ministries in our church, in an effort to help people find out where God wants them to serve and to get them plugged into the right spot. It's a program called "Living Beyond Myself". As I mentioned to one team member, "I'm living so far beyond myself during this project, I'm going to have to start chain smoking and heavy casino gambling just to get myself re-centered!". It has been 7 months of meetings, planning, writing letters, organizing, and (in many cases) arguing and complaining. But, it's finally over, and we can hand the reins of continuation over to the paid church staff. I feel like I've learned a lot during the process, namely 3 things:
1) My wife is amazing - OK, so I already knew this one, but it was highlighted and underscored during this project. Because of my work schedule of late, Rachel had to take an even bigger role in the project and picked up so much of my slack. She put in hour upon hour of work planning our church-wide ministry expo, all while taking care of our, energetic children. She's a true gift from God, and a perfect match for me.
2) I never want to work full-time at a church - Or, at least, I never ever want to work full-time at my current church. Too much infrastructure, to many opinions, and too much red tape. Every issue seemed to have to go through 12 people before a decision could be made. If my church were a company, it would definitely be due for a reorg (and maybe a few strategic layoffs).
3) I still don't really know where I'm supposed to serve - The main purpose of this program was to get people plugged into ministries where they can fulfill God's calling on their lives. But, even after being closely involved in organizing all of our church's ministries, I still don't know where I make the best fit. I guess this will be an ongoing search for me.

On a completely unrelated note: a new FLGS just opened up near my house! For the uninitiated, that stands for "Friendly Local Game Store". The big shop in town here in Indy is The Game Preserve, with three locations in Indy. But, even the closest one is almost 30 minutes away, so it's unrealistic to make it down there more than once or twice a month. This new store is called Games to Die For, and it's just 5 minutes up the road. Looks like a small operation so far, but their stock is growing, and they seem very interested in organizing weekly gaming events. Good times.

Oh, yeah, one more thing.....
Go Colts! Beat Denver!


At November 1, 2006 at 1:06 PM , Blogger Rachel Richard said...

Aww...shucks! Thank you! :o) Love you!!


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