L.D. Bell Band - BOA Grand National Champions!!!

Congratulations to the L.D. Bell High School marching band, winners of the 2007 Bands of America Grand National Championships!! The Grand Nationals are held in Indianapolis every year, and unfortunately I didn't attend this year (mainly because I just forgot which weekend it was). I guess I'm spoiled now that I live in Indianapolis. But, this was the year that my alma mater pulled out the big victory. It's really strange to see the high school marching band that was such an important part of my life in the national spotlight like this. When I was in the Bell band back in 1991-1994, we were a pretty decent band, but pretty much finished in the middle of the pack in the regional competition. But, since I graduated in 1994, the Bell band has become a two-time Texas State Marching Champion, and has become one of the premier high school band programs in the entire country. Hopefully I wasn't the one holding them back!
Ironically the #2 band in this year's Grand Nationals was from Avon High School, which is only about 2 miles from where I live now. I guess I just attract marching band excellence. :-)
Congrats! My high school marching band has definitely declined since I left (if it's even still around) - but I wouldn't link the two. :)
One question - what's with the different colored shakos?
Bell bell LD Bell bell bell whoooo!
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