Maynard Ferguson: The Passing of a Legend

This is a bit belated, but I wanted to make sure to post this. On August 27th, jazz trumpet player Maynard Ferguson died at age 78. His passing did not make the headlines that say, Miles Davis or Duke Ellington made when they died, but for me, a true legend has passed. Maynard Ferguson was pretty much my favorite trumpet player of all time, and one of my major musical influences as a kid. Known for his screaming high notes, Maynard carved a niche in jazz music in the 1970s and 1980s by creating big band arrangements of popular songs, including Macarthur Park and Gonna Fly Now (the theme from 'Rocky'). Now, I was never much of a high-note trumpet player, but I appreciated how Maynard's music was always exciting, melodic, and fun. And, yeah, it was great to listen to him hit that A above double C like it was nothing. And then hold it for 5 seconds, finishing the note with that squeal that only Maynard could do. I had the privilege of seeing Maynard play live 3 times, twice in Forth Worth, Texas at the Caravan of Dreams, and once here in Indianapolis (just a couple of years ago) at the Jazz Kitchen. Every show was mind-blowing, and you could tell that Maynard was enjoying every minute of it.
Thanks, Maynard, for teaching this young trumpet player to love and appreciate jazz music, and for making the trumpet say things that it has never said before. And never will again.