Thursday, March 09, 2006

Work sucks less now!!

This has been kind of a strange week, preceded by an even stranger weekend. As I've mentioned, I've been working on this rather important project at work, trying to fix an assay that's been "broken" for quite a few weeks. Well, after a breakthough last Friday, and a ton of weekend work, we were able to present data to the visiting client on Tuesday that they were quite pleased with. It's pretty miraculous how quick things went from "this looks like crap" to "wow, it works". Many others will say that it was a result of hard work, determination, and good science. But, I give the credit to God, and a lot of prayer. He turned it around at the last minute, in the manner that God tends to like to work. It gives me comfort to know that God is ultimately in control of everything, even bioanalytical chemistry. Since I worked on Sunday, I'm taking Friday off, and so is Rachel! We're going to take Ethan to daycare and spend the day together. An actual date! Brilliant!

The weight loss and exercise program cotninues, although the past week's crazy work schedule has hindered my progress a bit. But, at least I'm not gaining:

Date: 09MAR06
Weight: 274.0 lbs

I'm not really frustrated about the lack of significant weight loss. Grated, I would like to be a certain weight in time for Garza's wedding, so I can get a few 'Wow!'s from my friends. But, I need to be realistic. I'm only about 4 weeks away from the arrival of our second baby. I'm going to be tired and more than a little stressed. The likelyhood of making great progress in the next couple of months is small. But, as long as I'm continuing to incorporate exercise into my life and trying to eat less, it'll be a victory.

Oh, and today is our cat Callie's birthday. At least, we think it is. The paerwork we got with her last year listed her birthdate as MArch 9th, and that she was 2 years old. So, now she's an old lady of 3. I never thought I would enjoy having a pet so much. She's sweet, friendly, funny, and very cute. She'll definitely be getting a few extra treats today.


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